Here’s a first, the double double-double! Sorry that we have been quiet of late, but sometimes you have to focus on real life so much so that blogging has to take a week off. But fear not, we’re back with our way of helping you get to know what we’ve been up to a bit a bit better. What better way to get an insight into our lives than 10 minutes spent with us!
Two things you’ve done this week?
JK: I went on an amazing boat trip to Windsor for my friend Lara’s birthday and had a brilliant final night out with my work colleagues. This week I’ve left my job!! I’ve had some lovely times with the girls too.
THB: Last week, I really enjoyed the process of mixing our new songs and sending them out to people! This week I drank one of be most amazing beers I have ever tasted(a pecan mud pie imperial stout) and did lots of life admin in the sun.
Two things that were great this week?
JK: Last week the end of the football wasn’t exactly great but it does mean I got my life back! This week the beautiful Zoe London’s hen do was fabulous, as was all the love I got from my final day at work!
THB: Last week was great hearing new music we have written take final form and find a couple of new members to start playing live this week. This week has been all about seeing the fully deserved and totally amazing outpouring of love that JK has received from all the staff and pupils as she left her job on Wednesday. My best mate Steve also came up to visit from Brighton and we went to my favourite restaurant, Padella in borough market.
Two challenges you faced?
JK: So many challenges, finishing school, so much work to continue getting done and not knowing where I’m going to get my funding from next!
THB: How being in music is basically one long cycle of chasing an email you didn’t get a reply to only to not get a reply to the email chasing the lack of reply! Keeping it together when reading all of JK’s cards from her school. I definitely had something in both eyes though!
Two things to add to your to-do list next week?
JK: This week I need to get my life in order, start blogging for fun again and chase up people that have said “maybe” to things.
THB: Sorting our my diary mainly! Be more proactive.
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