Visiting Giants Causeway on our trip to Belfast was the highlight of both of our trips, so here are 5 reasons why you should visit if you’re in Northern Ireland.
1. It’s a National Trust AND UNESCO site
Anything The National Trust touch deserves to be protected and supported, let alone one that is a UNESCO protected world heritage site too. All the money from your visit goes back to the preservation and upkeep of the causeway and helps pay for the people that work there. It became a world heritage site in 1986 because of its geological importance and beauty! If that’s not reason enough to go then I’m not sure how we’ll keep swaying you.
2. It’s full of magic and folklore
From the folk tales of how the Giant’s Causeway was formed (by a giant…), the story of the Camel (seriously, there’s a camel there), and many other myths and legends, the Causeway really is a magical place. There’s luck around every corner (well you are in Ireland, the home of the lucky), and many a story about different parts of the amazing geology around you. You can come for the magic of the geography and geography, or as a flat earther and look at all the amazing myths surrounding the place instead.
3. Wonder at the beauty and spectacle of it
Giant’s Causeway is vast, so vast. It’s more than just the small pile of rocks you see in people’s pictures and it is fascinating. Over 40,000 hexagonal (well, if we’re being technical 5,6 or 7 sided) basalt columns come out of the sea and the symmetry and size of the world heritage site is just something you have to see before you die.
4. The hilarious audio guide and brilliant visitors centre
A lovely Scottish voice guides you around the visitors center, down the walk to the rocks, around the rocks, and back up again, telling you about the legends, the science, the views, the walks, takes you on the different trails, shows you what you can see and tells unique stories about locals, life in the area and the life of a Causeway guide. It’s truly brilliant. As well as a great shop, the visitors centre is also great. Informative, interactive and safe, it’s a great way to learn even more about the Causeway either before or after you visit the rocks!
5. The Wildlife
OK, so this is the one that got us the most. We expected it to be beautiful, and raining but not the level of wildlife we saw. And it wasn’t raining! There were so many birds, from a friendly robin that followed us down the causeway path, to the starlings (?) Collecting their midges as we were leaving at dusk. That wasn’t it though. Our amazing new pal Neil – one of the National Trust Causeway guides said that at times they get basking sharks along the causeway and THEN proceeded to point out a pod of dolphins just off the coast that had just finished eating and were playing around. Magical just doesn’t cut it.
6. Game of Thrones
It just wouldn’t be a Four Thousand Weeks list without an extra point thrown in for good measure. But f the last 5 points didn’t sell it enough for you then this final one might. Either that or you’re dead inside. However, of you follow the causeway coastal route from Belfast to the Causeway you pass a very large number of Game of Thrones filming locations. In fact we counted 9 but it could have been more!!
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