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The Double Double #2

We’ve made it! A week after our long awaited (for us) launch and we’re still going. And it happens to be our anniversary too!

What better way to get an insight into each other’s weeks than to spend 10 minutes with each other talking about the Double Double, done by us both!

Two things you’ve done this week?
I went back to work after half term, and celebrated a good pal’s 30th on Thursday.
THB: Went to visit my family in Mordor and celebrated our anniversary at our favourite restaurant.

Two things that were great this week?
The reaction to the blog launch was amazing, and our anniversary date day was fabulous. A couple of regular haunts for us and a brand new adventure!
THB: The response to our blog, definitely, and the community fireworks in Wembley!

Two challenges you faced?
The cold and seeing HB so sad about his cat and not knowing how to help.
THB: Dealing with losing my beloved childhood cat Ozwald, and seeing how heartbroken my parents were about it too.

Two things to add to your to-do list next week?
Book our next trip and try to have an evening off from working or doing this week.
THB: Start purchasing JK’s Christmas presents and write some new music with Slowlights.

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