Here we are, back again after another busy week, and what better way to get an insight into our lives than 10 minutes of weekly Q&A with us in the form of the double double!
Two things you’ve done this week?
JK: Mainly lots of work, worked at the brilliant BBC Introducing live and went to the launch of Stormzy’s book at the Barbican Centre where Akala hosted a whole panel of inspirational authors.
THB: Attended the incredible BBC Introducing Live event down at tobacco docks, and went to the world travel market at the ExCel centre.
Two things that were great this week?
JK: How brilliant the lanterns at the Tower of London were, and Tim being amazing helping me out with literally everything.
THB: The people we met at WTM(particularly all of the New York and Sri Lanka representatives!), and the amount I learnt from all the speakers I saw give talk at introducing live.
Two challenges you faced?
JK: Being exhausted from work and worrying about how much other work I had left to do.
THB: Letting myself overthink things too much, and deciding to turn down a job offer.
Two things to add to your to-do list next week?
JK: A bit of self care, and trying to get through some general admin that’s been sat on my to-do list for ages!
THB: Having felt amazingly inspired by the speakers from the introducing live event, I am going to seriously start looking at moving into an industry sided music job. Also give JK lots of massages.
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