Back again after another busy week, and what better way to get an insight into our lives than 10 minutes of weekly Q&A with us in the form of the double double!
Two things you’ve done this week?
JK: A lot of work, and a fun scavenger hunt around London!
THB: I took part in the Alzheimer’s society memory walk in Watford on Saturday morning to help raise money for an amazing and very personal cause, and really focused on trying to improve the social media output for my band Slowlines.
Two things that were great this week?
JK: Had my grandma over to see my flat for the first time which was just lovely, and my lovely friends making lots of effort to see me which has been fab.
THB: The arctic monkeys AM:ZM exhibition and their absolutely phenomenal live show at the O2 arena were both incredible! Also, Cat sitting for our friend Iris, her Cat has been really sick so it was awesome to be able to help.
Two challenges you faced?
JK: Routine! Who knew it could be so difficult?! The other challenge is trying to make the house look beautiful, I’m trying the Marie Kondo method!
THB: A couple of work related setbacks, and taking Jess’s step-Dad to the football. I am a Watford fan, he is a Manchester United fan. Guess who won…
Two things to add to your to-do list next week?
JK: Finish reading and get my ethics form finished. If it’s written here I’ll feel more compelled to get it finished!
THB: Arranging some very exciting meetings, and working on more music.
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