Back again here at the end(or in this case, start) of another week, we’re here with our way of helping you get to know what we’ve been up to a bit more. 30 weeks of fourthousandweeks and be double double, unreal! What better way to get an insight into our lives than 10 minutes spent with us!
Two things you’ve done this week?
JK: Popped down to Brighton to see Tim play with Amber Run, and had a lovely time exploring some of the Museum at Night exhibitions.
THB: Played my first show with Amber Run on Monday which was so fun! Went to the pop-up sense of space exhibition in broadgate.
Two things that were great this week?
JK: Tim made an epic roast, and having a really lovely mini-staycation in the New Forest!
THB: Being able to have the Cat out in the sun on he balcony with us all of Sunday on her lovely little leash, and the amazing break away from London in the new forest(thank you JK!).
Two challenges you faced?
JK: Two words: Car MOT. That and trying to stop worrying about my students passing their exams as the work is now in their hands.
THB: Getting used to not working my day job and learning how to structure my time again, and losing series 1-7 of Ru Paul’s drag race from Netflix.
Two things to add to your to-do list next week?
JK: Have a lovely music filled weekend next weekend, and make plan a lovely excursion to a very famous garden and tea room!
THB: Finish getting all my equipment fixed up before our show at Victoria Park next week, and making as much progress as possible with getting my main band Slowlines off the ground.
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